
6 Week Live Group Program

Heal issues at their root

Have tangible tools to:

Rewire criticism and self doubt

Get out of flight stress response keeping you stuck in busyness, but not really getting things done and feeling tired all the time

Get out of fawn stress response keeping you in people pleasing strategies to stay safe

Regulate your nervous system and get out of activated states keeping you stuck in overwhelm and anxiety.

Release trauma stuck in your body perpetuating chronic health issues

Move out of being stuck and into what is truly ALIGNED for you.

If you are anything like me you may have been going to your gazillionth therapist, reading all the self help books, listening to your millionth podcast, taking the 45 different supplements that you have had to take a small loan out for to cover each month, doing tons of cardio and HIT workouts, or freezing your bum off in a cold bath (I may be exaggerating a little here...).

While these techniques are great, they are not going to give you the benefits you seek if you don’t first, or also, work on the stories you have on repeat in your mind, your triggers, your nervous system dysregulation, shitty things you think or say about yourself, anxiety, trauma, and ancestral loyalties.

Also, with all of this knowledge you could easily help anyone around you and psychoanalyze what is going on with them, yet you still have an issue(s) that you seem to be stuck with. Then the shame comes, what am I doing wrong, why can't I "fix" this for myself? 

Being in fix it mode will lead you to dropping a ton of money and just skimming the surface while you look for the next thing, while never getting to the root of the issue itself.

Trauma causes inflammation in the body. Negative thinking causes inflammation in the body. Ancestral entanglements cause inflammation in the body.

Introducing the Aligned Program.

This is for the person that has tried so many things and has made significant progress in some areas of life and yet there is that pesky issue(s) that keeps showing up.

  • The chronic pain/tension/tightness, or disease
  • The anxiety
  • The chronic fatigue, despite doing everything "right"
  • The need to people please despite knowing everything about it and being aware of it
  • Procrastinating on what you truly want to do in life, despite knowing the pattern and saying this is my year to do it!

Again and again.

Like ground hog day, you think REALLY!!?? Have I not worked on this enough?

What if you don't need another expensive supplement, what if you need to work on the issues stuck in your tissues?

In my Aligned 6 Week Live Coaching and Healing Program we will go deep into healing the underlying cause of the issue you have.

Using my over 14 years of working with clients, all the modalities I work with and how I healed my own issues caused from childhood and adult trauma, unprocessed emotions, poor mindset and ancestral entanglements I was completely unaware of. All of which lead to CPTSD, anxiety disorder, chronic fatigue, thyroid issues, hormonal imbalances and a list of emotional issues as well. I was able to overcome these issues with the roadmap I give you in my Aligned program.

Your most aligned self is free.

I went from an anxious, people pleaser who was suffering with many unexplainable health issues, to feeling more joy, calm, harmony and freedom than I ever had before.

I put this program together, because I wished I had had this back when I was running from doctor to doctor, therapist to therapist, trying a million supplements to relieve chronic fatigue, changing my diet and cutting things I loved out.

I truly believe that everything in this program are missing pieces of the puzzle towards your most ALIGNED self.

We become her when we learn to embody all that we learned, we heal ancestral entanglements, understand our nervous system dysregulation so we can step into the freedom, joy and peace we seek.

What To Expect:

We meet live on Zoom each Tuesday 6-7:30pm CST

May 7-June 11th

All calls are recorded and stored on an online portal that you will have access to if you have to miss, or want to rewatch something.

Modules we cover:

Nervous System Understanding and Healing

We will utilize somatic practices that will heal autoimmune issues, sleep disturbances, fatigue, low energy, stress, chronic pain and other issues caused by trauma stuck in the tissues.

Diamond Mind Training

We will work on shrinking the critic that is a joy and life destroyer. Rewiring the subconscious stories that keep us stuck in a loop, and releasing self doubt.

Internal Family Systems/Parts Work

Shifting narratives and helping empower the inner child.

Feminine and Masculine Energy Balancing

Balancing being with doing.

Accessing and Shifting the Deeper Feelings

We will work on the emotional level by accessing the deeper emotions that may be buried under trauma responses and coping mechanisms. 

Activating Your Most Aligned Self

Becoming embodied in your desired state. Shift out of playing small and downplaying your unique magic.

Includes Rituals of:

Each week we will take place in a sacred ritual of deep shifting and healing on a cellular and DNA level.

Somatic and Embodiment Work

Energy Meridian Work

Erin's Unique Style of Energy Work

Group Dream Circle with Patricia Stevens

One on One Family Constellation with Erin (done outside of group container, in a private session)

Shift and heal long standing issues

Like Juli, who had such a tight piriformis muscle wound up in a tight knot that was affecting the way she walked and waking her up in the middle of the night with pain.

We were able to see that long held stories with her dad had continued to be wound up and since doing our work it begins to loosen more and more each day.

Find more peace

Like my client Ashlee, who struggled with intrusive thoughts and continues to find more peace as she learns to let go of fixing the issue and being more in her body. As well as heal repressed emotions of grief and anger.

Heal Chronic Health Issues

Like my client Christine, who had Gerd (prolonged acid reflux) that woke her up every night for hours and affected her daily life. Within one month, after identifying the root cause (a very demanding father that would yell at her at a young age) we were able to heal the Gerd and it went away completely.

Hear What People Are Saying about working with Erin:

"I reached out to a life coach named Erin McGuire that I had been working with because she was the only person I’d met that was truly able to help me sort out my mind. Through working with her I found where I was carrying all my guilt, anger, and shame. She was able to get me to ask myself some really hard questions. you helped me SO much in getting where I am. You helped me dig through almost 30 years of trauma and self hate to get to a place where I felt brave enough to share what happened with others. I never would have had the courage to do it if you didn't help me find it in myself." Brie, IA

"This intuitive woman is beautiful inside and out and an example to all who’s life she touches. I met her at a time in my life when my relationship with my son was strained. After the healing, she shared what came up that my relationship with my mother was more present than my son. “Heal your perception of the unhealthy stories you have concerning your childhood and mother first, then the universe will open up and healing will begin with your son.”

I am happy to say that my relationships with both at this point are the “healthiest” in years.. Thank you Erin for your wisdom. You truly are a blessing." Suzanne, CA

"I have gotten more out of your nervous system work than I did from a year of talk therapy. Thank you so much." Brooke, IA

Choose a Pricing Option

This program is worth over $1500, get it for a special price while it lasts.

HI, I'm Erin your guide on this 6 week journey

My job as a coach and healer is to go to the cause of why the unwanted patterns, habits and beliefs started and heal them from the root. Anxiety, depression, fear, self doubt, feeling not good enough, people pleasing, unworthiness are not who you are, these are by-products of experiences and programming that happened to you by parents, society, peers, school systems, or religion.

I truly believe that we have to feel to heal. Everything starts in our mind and if we had trauma (which who hasn’t?) we are programmed inefficiently, because our brain is just like a computer. If talk therapy hasn’t been working for you, it might be time to try somatic work and energy healing. I have a unique approach that includes bridging the psychology world and spiritual world together.

To learn more about me go HERE