30 Day Manifestation Course

Get ready to:

Boost your mindset

Rewire stuck thinking + doubts

Jumpstart creative flow + clarity

Feel lighter and more at ease

Manifest the things you keep saying you want!

All messages hold codes and light energy that when listened to are designed to infiltrate blocks and stuck energies and thoughts that are keeping you in certain patterns. You will feel lighter, more at ease and have more clarity as you listen.


30 days of channeled messages

2 hour pre-recorded Manifestation workshop

7 page manifestation workbook that will help you embody your desires

Future Self Meditation (inside the workshop)

Live Healing Class and Q & A with Erin in January!

This isn't your cookie cutter manifesting course!

While saying affirmations and making vision boards is nice and all, it won't lead to the results you want if you have limiting beliefs, childhood programming that is not aligned, or fears (known, or unknown) getting in the way.

That is why researchers suggest that only 9% of people that make new years resolutions complete them. In fact, research goes on to show that 23% of people quit their resolution by the end of the first week, and 43% quit by the end of January. The reason? Because it is hard to change, especially when you have a lot of subconscious patterns that come up when you try to.

Here is what I know to be true about manifesting:

  • Your desires are sacred and they come from Source (whatever you believe that to be).
  • They will require you to look at parts of yourself that you may have been trying to escape from
  • The reason few people live their out their dreams is because when the icky stuff comes up, most run back to their comfort zones-I help you to stay with the discomfort (in a gentle way) and push your threshold to make room for more!

I like to say, be careful what you wish for, because it is going to ask you to change habits, patterns and beliefs that will be required at that next level/version of you.

And that is a good thing! Because if you move through the various blocks towards what you desire, you will be living in your truth and in alignment with who you are and that is priceless.

HI, I'm Erin if you don't know me, I have been a coach, energy healer teacher and intuitive channel for over 14 years.

Through a lot of faulty programming from growing up in a traumatic household, I learned how to rewire my brain and manifest some truly amazing things.

I own my own healing business for over 14 years, I am engaged to my soul mate and have traveled the world leading retreats...to name a few.

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