Yes you can feel good about yourself and your life!

“I joined the Empowered Women program, because I felt unhappy with the way my life looked. I wanted guidance and tools to help me stop restricting my ideas of how things should look/work out. I definitely got that! The strategies changed the way I see things. I can almost always turn around my attitude to have a glass half full mentality instead of half empty. Consistency and commitment are key to see best and continued benefits! The Empowered Women program helped me in my classroom and at school (my career), I am able to maintain a positive attitude. I also think overall in my life, I recognize daily all I have to be grateful for. This attitude of gratitude I have been striving for for a long time, but Empowered Women with Erin really helped me settle into that way of being. In my relationships, I continue to work on achieving a balance between giving and receiving. I am learning to say "No". 

This course helped me so much with my thoughts - catching negative ones and redirecting them to something neutral or positive. I also feel the course helped me identify my limiting belief systems and how to change them or at least be open to other mentalities.” Jessica, WI

Your limiting beliefs carry weight-change your thoughts and you change your whole life!

“The Empowered Women Program helped me create a framework for setting intentions and when I am taking care of myself and doing things intentionally, the Universe supports me.

The homework helped me focus on what I really wanted and challenged me to “get real” with myself to create the life I say I want. While I still catch myself in the “I’m not good enough” or “not worthy” loop – I’ve made LOTS of progress toward catching it and changing my thought pattern.

I am more vulnerable and authentic and it has produced changes in my significant relationships.

I have been able to end relationships that were no longer serving me and did so without guilt, or shame!

I’ve taken control of the unhealthy thought patterns that governed my eating habits and have lost 18 pounds.”  Juli, IA

It's time to speak your truth and truly love who you are!

“I came to the Empowered Women during a crazy time in my life. I was hoping to get several “things” out of the course. I hoped to create a stronger connection with my higher self and spirit. I was hoping to let go and heal the things no longer serving my highest good. I was looking for growth in my mind, body, spirit. I planned to work on owning my truth and speaking it always.

To say I gained all of this and more is an understatement!! Erin is a beautiful human and has a knack in leading other women to their greatness too. This course was very well thought out and methodically laid out. It was as if each week lead right into the next without even looking into the next week of topics, activities and healing.

Erin is SO compassionate and passionate to help women step up and own their own truth. What a gift this course was and will continue to be! I can’t wait to see where this journey continues to take me and everyone on this same empowering journey! Thank you Erin!"  Heather, IA

Get the tools to get out of limiting stories you have about yourself and get empowered!

“I joined the program, because I wanted to get a better handle on my life and emotions and take a positive step towards feeling happier and more fulfilled and I feel as though I got that.  Because of the Empowered Women Program, I feel like I have better tools to protect my energy and make positive changes in my life when I am feeling overwhelmed or depressed. I feel like I was given the skills to set boundaries and get a handle on my anxiety.  When I started Empowered Women my confidence and self love levels were at a 1, as in not confident and not self loving at all..  When I finished I was at a 10!  I now feel confident in who I am and love myself and it feels so good.  My ability to turn my thoughts around from the negative to positive and feeling empowered has drastically improved as well.  I now feel like I have so many tools to really see and feel my emotions without letting them overwhelm me. I have seen a huge shift in being able to control my temper and get out of depressive states.”  Jordyn, IA

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HI, I'm Erin your guide on this journey

My job as a coach and healer is to go to the cause of why the unwanted patterns, habits and beliefs started and heal them from the root. Anxiety, depression, fear, self doubt, feeling not good enough, people pleasing, unworthiness are not who you are, these are by-products of experiences and programming that happened to you by parents, society, peers, school systems, or religion.

I truly believe that we have to feel to heal. Everything starts in our mind and if we had trauma (which who hasn’t?) we are programmed inefficiently, because our brain is just like a computer. If talk therapy hasn’t been working for you, it might be time to try somatic work and energy healing. I have a unique approach that includes bridging the psychology world and spiritual world together.

To learn more about me go HERE