Are you ready to enter a new ERA?
One that really doesn't align with how we have been in the past:
- Second guessing yourself and overthinking everything
- Struggling with anxiety and/or depression
- Stuck in worry and fear, feeling burned out and exhausted
- Playing small in your life to not outshine anyone else
- Being the responsible one-that takes care of everyone else's needs, but you feel stuck and discontent with life
- Driven by a need to be doing things-the to do list always in your mind making you run around
What is the new era you ask?
It is your Aligned Era. Your Divine Feminine Era. Your Queen Era.
- Grounded, calm and secure within yourself
- Trusting yourself and your desires.
- Being certain in your belief of yourself
- Living from pleasure versus pressure and control
- You are present with your family and friends with connected relationships
- In a regulated nervous system-no more yo yoing with chronic health issues and diets
- Manifesting your desires, because you are living from your flow!
What makes this program different?
You have probably tried a lot of things like talk therapy, healing modalities, read loads of self help books and every health trend under the sun.
Yet there is still this place you feel stuck, less confident and maybe even burned out.
It might feel impossible to heal, but I am here to tell you it is not!
This program is designed for those who have been around the block and are ready to finally feel aligned, confident and more peaceful using my proven 5 step process.
My unique approach comes from over 15 years of studying multiple fields and working with clients.
I bridge psychology and spirituality for a holistic well-rounded, science backed and intuitively informed approach to healing.
I naturally see patterns that aren't serving people (it's one of my intuitive gifts) and I see the path to correcting them so you can live in alignment.
This heals the issue at the root.
Introducing the Aligned Program.
A 6 month program to support you in reclaiming your divine feminine energy.
What I see time and time again from all the clients I have worked with over the years is that the overwhelm, stuck, burn out, chronic health issues, anxiety, lower confidence come from one thing and you wouldn't guess what it have not been in balance with your feminine energy.
Now this stems from childhood programming, traumas and societal importance on the masculine performing and getting shit done mentality.
So that is why I created this program. It is the roadmap I used to heal from all of the issues I list above, because I grew up with a lot of trauma that got me diagnosed with cptsd, chronic fatigue, thyroid issues, hormonal imbalances and anxiety disorder. And yes I healed these issues too!
This is not for you if you want a quick fix, or aren't willing to do the work.
This roadmap works if you work it.
"Working with Erin has been empowering and effective for me. With her support I have been able to release a way I have been living most of my life with feeling anxious, guilty and not good enough about so many things. I worried about my kids all the time and felt like I needed to micromanage them to keep things safe. With her help, those feelings and thoughts are diminished. It felt really weird at first, not having my life and thoughts dominated by anxiety and guilt. I felt a bit empty at first, but I’m learning to replace those negative stories with appreciation and joy. This new way of being feels hopeful! I’m grateful for Erin’s guidance." Gayle, IA
Your most aligned self is free.
I went from an anxious, people pleaser who was suffering with many unexplainable health issues, to feeling more joy, calm, harmony and freedom than I ever had before.
I put this program together, because I wished I had had this back when I was running from doctor to doctor, therapist to therapist, trying a million supplements to relieve chronic fatigue, changing my diet and cutting things I loved out.
I truly believe that everything in this program are missing pieces of the puzzle towards your most ALIGNED self.
We become her when we learn to embody all that we learned, we heal ancestral entanglements, understand our nervous system dysregulation so we can step into the freedom, joy and peace we seek.
"I have gotten more out of your nervous system work than I did from a year of talk therapy. Thank you so much." Brooke, IA
"When I first started the program I was having weekly anxiety attacks regularly and I went 6 months without one. Now I have the tools to get out of it if it comes up, which it rarely does.
I realized I was just going through the motions of life rather than creating the life I want to live, which is what the program is all about. I have truly gotten so much from this program." Christy, IA
You shouldn't have to overthink and second guess yourself all the time.
You shouldn't have to feel like you are dragging yourself through the day.
You shouldn't have to wake up at 3am thinking about everything that could go wrong in your life.
You shouldn't have to feel anxious and stressed more often than not.
You shouldn't have to shrink + stay quiet to stay safe and feel like your voice doesn't matter.
It is time to step into the grounded, deeply nourished, thriving and confident version of yourself.
The Aligned program gets you there by addressing the physical, psychological and spiritual aspects of you so you can release what has been keeping you stuck and step into your power with my proven 5 step system.
What's Included?
This is a 6 month program
Right now this is a one on one program, it will be offered as a group program in the future.
- 1 pre-recorded lesson you have access to
- 1-4 private sessions depending how many you want to do each month
- Email access for questions
- Workbook, meditations, energy healing and releasing trapped emotions
- One on One Family Constellation with Erin
"The Aligned Program shifted me creating boundaries for myself instead of always being a yes girl and people pleaser. It really helped me prioritize myself and taking care of me first and foremost. I loved Erin's style and the bonds I made with others in the group." Tara, IA
Stop Playing Small in Your Life
You are here for more than what you have been allowing yourself, because of past programming and trauma. You deserve to let your light shine and not worry that you will outshine anyone else.
Also, the world needs your light to shine brightly!
Find more peace
Like my client Ashlee, who struggled with intrusive thoughts and anxiety and continues to find more peace as she learns to let go of fixing the issue and being more in her body. As well as heal repressed emotions of grief and anger.
Heal Chronic Health Issues
Like my client Christine, who had Gerd (prolonged acid reflux) that woke her up every night for hours and affected her daily life. Within one month, after identifying the root cause (a very demanding father that would yell at her at a young age) we were able to heal the Gerd and it went away completely.
"I came to the Aligned program unclear on what was drawing me except the feeling of intrigue with the description and feeling that I was desperate for a shift.
I love the format and the ability to join the group or listen at my own pace. I think the group calls are better for absorbing the teaching and more fun. A big part of the experience was hearing the input from the others in the class.
I liked the feeling of traveling through the time together.
I very much enjoyed the dream circle day. I still am using what I learned and experienced that day to help understand my dreams now. The circle was a lot of fun, interesting and lead me to a new way to look at myself.
I particularly love the nervous system work and have used the techniques to calm myself down and to understand the influences on my life and ways I can heal.
My favorite part is listening to you Erin, you are fun and your openness facilitates absorbing these sometimes difficult concepts. I know you have learned these for yourself and the hard way. I feel like you are there along with the class , rooting for the wins and available to help in any way." Karen, CA
It's time to put on your crown, step into your Queen Era and...
Eliminate waking up in a panic
Heal chronic health issues
Feel like the confident queen you are meant to be
Shine your light bright, without worrying what others think!
"This intuitive woman is beautiful inside and out and an example to all who’s life she touches. I met her at a time in my life when my relationship with my son was strained. After the healing, she shared what came up that my relationship with my mother was more present than my son. “Heal your perception of the unhealthy stories you have concerning your childhood and mother first, then the universe will open up and healing will begin with your son.”
I am happy to say that my relationships with both at this point are the “healthiest” in years.. Thank you Erin for your wisdom. You truly are a blessing." Suzanne, CA
Laura talks about the Empowered Women Program in this video. The Aligned Program is my new updated and upgraded version of that program.
HI, I'm Erin your guide on this journey
My job as a coach and healer is to go to the cause of why the unwanted patterns, habits and beliefs started and heal them from the root. Anxiety, depression, fear, self doubt, feeling not good enough, people pleasing, unworthiness are not who you are, these are by-products of experiences and programming that happened to you by parents, society, peers, school systems, or religion.
I truly believe that we have to feel to heal. Everything starts in our mind and if we had trauma (which who hasn’t?) we are programmed inefficiently, because our brain is just like a computer. If talk therapy hasn’t been working for you, it might be time to try somatic work and energy healing. I have a unique approach that includes bridging the psychology world and spiritual world together.
To learn more about me go HERE